Friday, November 14, 2014

Shalora's Journal, 17 Gozran, 4711

My strange new friends and I have become a tighter knit group than I have ever known before, even with the youths of my former home. I never thought this would happen, they seemed so odd at first, so foreign to anything I’d seen before.

Akiro, the silent warrior. What causes his muteness, I wonder? He is so brave, so strong, and yet so innocent and fragile. He is like a younger brother who has become a man too soon. I saw it a lot in the city. He is a talented fighter and a noble friend, but still needs to be protected like a rose blossom, lest he be corrupted by the world, crushed before his time.

Jiri, the odd dwarf. He is so unlike any of his kind that I have met before. He holds no deep love of the dark places, though he is well at home there. He appreciates fine art instead of crude valuable metals and stones. He seeks to befriend animals, but is an unrelenting killer when backed into a corner. He proclaims his faith in Shelyn, but I can’t tell if it’s only lip service, or if he truly venerates the Eternal Rose. Jiri is a strange, mysterious man who may snap at any moment.

Iacobus is the strangest of all. He seems well-ordered, but flips wildly between brilliant negotiator and historian, and utterly insane and rude. At first I didn’t care for him, and neither did Mischief, but the man has become less awful as we have adventured together. His obsession with material wealth and meagre skills as a wizard make him a dangerous man to travel with, as I never know what he’s going to do next. Sometimes he’s a great help, but sometimes he seems like he doesn’t know he’s a wizard. He seems to respect the strengths of the group, but maybe he sees us all as tools, to be used to further his own gains.

The people of Belhaim have been wonderfully nice to me. The Baroness Devi’s son, Arnholde, gave me a wonderful tour and has been incredibly polite at all of the town’s functions. The priest of Shelyn, Nilos Genser, from the Shrine of the Seven Roses has also been very nice, singing beautiful songs and helping me find a nice garden to visit. The leatherworker, Theon Sensina has been a wonderful help for Mischief, and seems to have formed a budding friendship with my mysterious companion. I even met another elf woman, Emarthine, who seemed nice when talking about her orchard. It’s a really pretty town and hopefully we can help them. Maybe I can even find a home here.

We’ve had some wonderful adventures, though I hope we can spend more time in the wilderness around Belhaim instead of the rocks beneath it. We have been somewhat scatteredly following a few clues about other problems in the town, some kind of wolf-monster, some missing druids, and a few other things, aside from the tower that fell down and the dead wizard’s house. There’s so many problems in a town this small, it’s strange to think that they have just as many problems as the folk in the big cities…

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Apparently all of the local kobolds (who were quite nice once we helped them with their leadership dispute) worship a dragon named Aspergillimax, who was supposed to have been killed years ago. Isn’t that weird?

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